Sunday, February 22, 2015

Writng Experience

I have always enjoyed writing; I realize this is a vague statement being that there are many forms of writing. Writing fictional short stories to writing an argumentative essay is what I enjoy. I value the freedom of writing and being the decider of what I compose. I realize of course classes require essays which have guidelines on  particular subjects. Sometimes it is interesting and I do not mind, other times it is tedious and seems rather pointless, except for receiving a grade of course.
             To step away from running off on a tangent, this blog is dedicated to expressing my thoughts on the first writing assignment of my College Writing course. When I was first assigned this paper, I knew right away I should form an outline.  I started off by reading the assigned articles over, which my essay was to be base off being that no outside resources were allowed. After re-reading the articles and jotting down the gist and interesting quotes, I started thinking about my thesis and what I was trying to achieve with this essay. When I usually write an essay for a class, I try to produce my best work, especially if it is the first paper. Being that this is a writing class, one will feel more pressure to make sure their writing is up to par. However, I cannot say I am anxious or nervous about the grade I receive. I know my writing capabilities and coming from someone who does well in school, not to boast or anything, grades do not define you  Thus, any flaws that I may have, which I will, will allow me to make corrections and learn.
r worth or capability on a subject. I do appreciate feedback that will help me improve though. I mean, that is the purpose of this course. To improve.
            What gave me strength and motivation for completing this assigned paper is the feeling of accomplishment that fills a person up after completing a long, not too desirable task.  I am very use to writing, even if it is five pages long, so it was not that arduous to stay on task. Also, being an Education major, the topic of social class and its relation to education is very relevant to me. I already had a bit of background information and it is interesting reading about studies done on this topic. 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

When thinking back to where I went to school, a few things arise to mind.  I remember the students rushing through crowded hallways, friends calling out to one another, and the warning of the bell. Like any other person, I can complain about a ton of things about my former schools. I rather focus on the good aspects though.  From grade school to High school I was taught in NYC schools. You would think the schools I went to were rather large, but all of mine were rather small. In high school one thing my school boasts of is the small class size, which I appreciated. I met a lot of wonderful teachers with one or two who still makes me cringe at the remembrance of their name. Being that I had quite a few outstanding teachers, I was inspired to pursue Education as a major. I always had a particular bond with my English teachers for the most part. Our shared love of literature provided a strong bond. I always knew I would major in English, but I did not plan to pursue Education until I met some very influential teachers. They inspired me and so here I am.